T.P. 2-3-51
T.P. 2-3-51 Grape
Seedling from a 2001 cross of E.S. 10-18-06 x Regent
Available for testing, with Plocher-Vines permission
Seedling from a 2001 cross of E.S. 10-18-06 x Regent
Available for testing, with Plocher-Vines permission
In the Vineyard
Starts to suffer some bud injury in Hugo, MN at temperatures colder than -20 F (-29C); suitable for U.S. Hardiness Zone 5 or milder. Late budbreak in spring, a few days before Petite Pearl. Secondary buds are fruitful. Thick-skinned berries resist splitting, rots, and insect predation. Moderate vigor and vertical growth habit with thick shoots and few laterals. Easy to manage. A good choice for the mid-Atlantic and Mid-South regions that require grapevines with high disease resistance and resistance to splitting. Disease Resistance Good resistance to all the mildew diseases using a basic spray program of two pre-bloom and two post-bloom sprays. T.P. 2-3-51 also has shown good resistance also to Phomposis and berry rots. |
Training System
With its thick vertical-growing shoots, T.P. 2-3-51 is naturally well-suited to VSP training. Low maintenance. The Fruit
In the Winery
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